Saturday, December 17, 2011

A Christmas Miracle, 8 Days Early

After three miscarriages and a failed adoption attempt, we were very nervous about being pregnant again. So when we were faced with the reality that we could be losing our fourth child, our fear and anger came to the surface. My husband prayed. He told God, "All through my life as a Christian I knew You would come through for me..." Then he said the most brutally honest thing I have ever heard. "... until now. I don't believe You're going to come through for us." Then he added, "Prove me wrong!"

12 years ago today, God gave us our proof. Our beautiful daughter, Emily Caroline, was born, giving us the best early Christmas present we could have ever hoped for. My daughter is my miracle gift I begged God for, just like Hannah begged God for Samuel. Also like Hannah, I dedicated my child to God to use her as He saw fit. And He has definitely used her!

Emily is the most compassionate, caring girl I have ever met. She is a champion for the weak, a friend to everyone and forgives every wrong committed against her. God uses her daily to bring hugs and smiles to her teachers, her parents and especially her baby brother. She is a miracle and I remember that every time I look at her sweet face.

12 years old today. In Jewish tradition already a woman, but forever my baby girl. The scripture I held on to while I was pregnant with Emily and have remembered every time I look at her is 1 Samuel 1:27,  "I prayed for this child, and the LORD has granted me what I asked of him."

I love you, Emily Caroline! Happy Birthday!

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

It's Beginning to Look A Lot Like... BAH HUMBUG!

I've been sitting here thinking about the past year, trying to get into the Christmas spirit and all I can think is, "Man, I'm SO tired!" I wish there were such things as Christmas Elves, because I need some. It's 11 days til Christmas, I still need to mail my cards and put up my tree. The tree is a whole other issue. Now that we have the boy and all of his accouterments, I'm not sure where the tree will go. Maybe out on the front lawn! 

I think if it was snowing I could get into the spirit of things a little easier. No such luck though. You'd think being Jack's first Christmas that I'd be all "merry and bright." But nooooo. It's so unlike me. I LOVE Christmas! Way more than a little Jewish girl should! It's not the shopping... I'm already done with that for the most part. I've tried to listen to the major amounts of Christmas music I've downloaded on my iPhone. Not helping. I even got Jack's picture taken with Santa. (Which turned out amazingly cute, BTW.) What else can I do?? Sigh....

What is it about getting older that makes the holidays so hard to get into? Is it just that... getting older? I remember a time, not too horribly long ago, that I used to go to the card shop and pick out individual Christmas cards for everyone on my list. On the opposite end of that spectrum, last year was the first time in like 7 years I even mailed Christmas cards. Maybe I am a little disheartened by all the commercialization. Or maybe I'm just making excuses because I'd rather take a nap.

I really do LOVE Christmas. I love the lights, I love the snow (when we get it), I love the carols (what other time of the year do secular radio stations play songs about the birth of the Savior?), and I love the family time. I have the best family! My mom comes to visit, we head up to the in-laws for Christmas breakfast, we open presents (which I especially LOVE because my love language is gifts... go figure) and we generally just enjoy our time together. I'm looking forward to that this year, but until then I'm feeling a bit like the Grinch before his heart grew 3 sizes! I mean I'm not ready to go steal the Who's roast beast or anything, but you get the idea.

Obviously, I've got more work to do to get this merriment rolling. I suppose I will have to endure some more Carol of the Bells, and maybe even some Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas. Something needs to happen though, before my theme song for the season becomes I'm Gettin' Nuttin' for Christmas or You're a Mean One, Mr. Grinch!

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Shhhhh.... I'm Sleeping. (yet another blog entry from the past.)

Mmmmmm.... sleep. I love sleep. Really LOVE sleep. More than breathing, I think. Definitely more than eating. Probably not more than Dr. Pepper though.

Sleep is such a wonderful thing but unfortunately very illusive for me. I have lupus which leads to chronic insomnia which leads to chronic fatigue. The trifecta of sleeplessness. Believe me it sucks! One of the best things about my diagnosis though is that I have the doctor's permission to sleep... WHENEVER I CAN! YES! If only it were that simple.

I envy people who can fall asleep easily. My husband is like that. Since he was a child my husband has been an "on the go"person. Run, run, run until his head hit the pillow then... SNORE! My father-in-law loves to tell the story of when my husband was little the family was out at a motorcycle race and they were on the go all day! They went to dinner and as long as the band played, JR was wide awake.But as dad tells it as soon as the band stopped playing, JR fell asleep in his mashed potatoes! My loving husband is still like that! There have been nights in the past where my insomnia was so bad I was practically crying because I wanted to sleep so bad. Then I looked over at the love of my life and... I wanted to hit him with a pillow!! Really hard!

Our daughter is a lot like that too. She's a crazy girl and when she's really run down she hits the pillow and OUT! The only time she has trouble sleeping is when she's afraid she is going to miss out on something she thinks is way cool! Poor baby!

I am pretty sure that my brother-in-law is narcaleptic! The boy can sleep anywhere. He came over one night because he really wanted to talk to his brother. My husband was in the middle of something and asked Matt if he could wait a minute. So Matt sat down on the couch to wait and within 5 minutes he was OUT LIKE A LIGHT! And if that story isn't good enough here's another. Matt was in a band before and one time before a concert, his bandmates found him standing in a corner sound asleep! Gosh I'm jealous!

Why can't I sleep like that? I mean besides the medical conditions that I have. Why can't I just lie down and fall asleep? For some reason when the lights turn off, my brain turns on! Suddenly all I can do is think. I think about what I did today. I think about what I have to do tomorrow. What was the name of that song? Did I turn off the oven? Does the family have clean underwear for tomorrow? Where the heck did I leave that stupid pen?? UGH! It's annoying! The only thing that can turn off my brain is my sleep meds. Thanks be to God for creating scientists who invented sleep meds and for creating doctors who give them to sleep deprived patients!

You would think that with all this extra time I have in my day while I'm not sleeping that I would do something. At times I do. I have been known to clean the bathroom at 2 AM or even do the dishes at 5 AM. But most of the time I just lie in bed and hope for sleep. My reasoning for this is even though I'm not sleeping at least I'm still getting rest, right? HAHAHA!

I think this is why I love sleep so very much! One year my husband and daughter asked me what I wanted for Mother's Day. I told them that I wanted 24 hours of uninterrupted sleep! Well, it wasn't 24 hours, but they went out and stayed out all day and I slept until 4:30 PM. There is something amazing about falling into a warm comfy bed with crisp clean sheets, sliding under the covers and falling into a blissful sleep. It's something I look forward to every night. I can think of only one feeling that is better than that!

So just keep in mind the next time you call me and I don't answer my phone... I'm probably doing the thing I love the most... NO... not drinking a Dr. Pepper! Sleeping! Shhhhhh!!!

What Do I Want to be When I Grow Up? (another blog entry from days gone by.)

I have no idea what I want to be when I grow up. That's pretty sad considering I'm 37 years old. I have a lot of interests but I haven't figured out how to put them into a career. How many Pirate Archaeologist Crime Scene Investigator Photographers do you know?

I love listening to kids when they talk about what they want to be when they grow up. For instance when I was in third grade I wrote a story about how I wanted to be a taxi cab driver when I grew up so I could drive people home who were too drunk to drive themselves. Typically I hear kids saying that when they grow up they want to be a doctor, a veterinarian, a writer, a ballerina or a race car driver or something grand like that. My daughter wants to be a rock star, a missionary, an artist and an astronaut. She's only 8 so I guess we have time to see where life takes her. Other than the taxi cab driver, I wanted to be an actress, a nuclear physicist, a seismologist and a mommy. One out of five isn't too bad, right?

I have had a lot of jobs in the past. I have been a children's clothing sales person, a receptionist, a waitress, an assistant manager at a movie theater, a nanny, and a clerk at a bookstore. I have worked at a paint your own pottery studio, I have been a kid's fitness teacher, a drama teacher and I've dressed up as a bear to entertain kids. I also ran my own Pampered Chef business for 7 years. Lately I have been wondering if "Webkinz Afficionado" can be considered a career.

So why is it so difficult to figure out what I want to do? Maybe it's because I'm very picky. I'm sure the perfect job is out there somewhere. And I have very valid reasons for not pursuing my childhood career ideas. Taxi cab driver-- I'm germaphobic and I have no sense of direction, actress-- I have morals, nuclear physicist-- I barely passed geometry and never took higher science and seismologist-- I am pretty sure the reasons for not being a nuclear physicist apply here too. Ahh, well. What are you going to do?

Maybe I could follow in my parents footsteps. Let's see... when I was a kid, my dad did landscaping. Later he did security work. Actually I think he still does security work but he is anxious for retirement! You go Dad! Live the life of leisure! Mom is an ad designer. She used to write ads. Mom used to say she wanted to write fiction so she got into advertising. She's also an unpublished author. Her father wanted to be a poet. I have this great picture of him looking very poetic with his flannel jacket and pipe. He went on to start the first catalog jewelry business in Washington D.C. Funny where life takes you!

Maybe it's just the paycheck I miss, and not the job. Stay-at-home moms don't "rake in the dough!"

With all of this being said, I realize I have the best job in the world. Wife and mother. I have the greatest husband in the world and a fantastic daughter! I'm a stay-at-home mom. Stay-at-home mom... YEAH RIGHT! Wait... I actually did become a taxi cab driver! I just realized that! I drive my daughter to and from school and I drive another kid afterschool too! I am a trash man (woman), a warden, a janitor, a laundress, a doctor, a cook, a personal shopper, a CPA and I volunteer at my daughter's school sometimes. I say all of this not to pat myself on the back or get praise from others. I don't wake up every morning and celebrate my accomplishments. More likely than not I wake up in the morning and say, "Crap! Is it morning again?!" I'm not a very good housekeeper, but my family has food and clean clothes so I guess I'm not too bad! I have told my husband many times that if he wanted June Cleaver he married the wrong woman!

I need to learn to be content. That's what it is. I need to learn that what I have and what I do is more important than a major career. It says in Philippians 4:11, "... for I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances." So I will continue to try to take that lesson from Paul to heart! 

The Culture of Bowling (a blog entry from days long ago.)

Recently I was thinking about certain aspects of my childhood. Namely going to the bowling alley with my dad. When I think about bowling there are some things that stick out. Really loud music (usually country. Not a fan!), cigarette smoke and alcohol scented adults, sticky tables and chairs (don't forget the large amount of gum stuck to the bottom of those tables), and most memorable-- rental shoes... or as I refer to them, "Rental Foot Fungus Recepticals."

As an adult I have realized that bowling has not changed in the least. Most of the folks are outside smoking (no more smoking indoors!!) between throws, most have a pitcher of beer sitting on their table and no matter how much antiseptic they spray into those shoes they are STILL fungus factories! I can barely handle it when my husband borrows my slides to walk out to the mailbox so you can imagine how I feel about rental shoes!

Bowling has this whole separate culture to it. And there are several levels to it.  Level One is what I refer to as "The Dabblers." These people go bowling every once in a while and are content to use alley balls and rental shoes. It's just a fun night out. Level Two goes a little deeper. These people may own a ball with a bag and maybe shoes. They may have bowled in a league before but didn't stick with it. They haven't quite sold their souls! Then there is Level Three, "The Fanatics." These are the people that have HUGE bowling bags that look like small coffins with wheels. These bags contain 2 or 3 bowling balls: one for oily lanes, one for dry lanes and the last one just to prove that they have more balls than everyone else. There are other things in the bag too. There are towels to wipe the oil off of the ball, rosin bags to keep your hands dry, wrist braces to keep your hand and wrist in the right position to throw the ball properly, a powder to keep your shoes from sticking to the lane, booties to put over your shoes so that if you go to the bathroom, concession stand or outside to smoke, nothing will get on your shoes and maybe other things I have yet to discover.

Scoring is a whole other world too! In bowling, strikes are a good thing. Actually they are a great thing! The more you get the higher your score. Spares are fine, gutter balls are a disaster. Guess which I get a lot? Splits are no laughing matter either. Unlike gymnastics, splits don't give you more points and unlike football, you don't get 3 points for getting the ball between the pins! One more thing-- you definitely do not want to cross the foul line. This could cause an incredibly funny and an incredibly painful situation. See, there's oil on the lane past the foul line. If you hit that you could go careening down the lane much like Fred Flintstone. Like I said, funny... but painful!

Now that I have said all of this I need to confess something... I am in a bowling league! I own my own ball and of course, my own shoes! What can I say? I live in a rural area and there is not much else to do for fun. But I digress.... Being in a bowling league has proven to be anything but ego stroking. Here's an example: my team has been in last place EVERY season we've bowled. And we have been bowling for like 5 seasons (2 1/2 years). Yeah, we suck! Mostly me. I, Captain Laura, suck at bowling! In my defense though, our losing is a team effort!

So to end this tirade, I will say that even though bowling has its own weird culture and it hasn't changed over the years, it is kind of fun! At least my crew and I have fun and we share a common goal. That goal-- to band together and laugh in the face of losing because winning doesn't seem to be a possibility for us! Our team name says it all... "Last Place Champs!"

What is This Shower Thing of Which You Speak?

There are things that I had before having another child that I now realize I totally took for granted. Nowadays I refer to them as "luxuries." One day I hope to be able to take them for granted again!

1. Showering - I like to tell myself that not showering as often as I'd like helps Jack stay familiar with my scent; kind of like animals that always return to the same place to eat, sleep and potty. I know that's not true. Let me have my delusion! Lately showering serves more than one purpose. Yeah, we all know it gets you clean, but it's also my "me" time, my time away from everyone and everything. (Mostly. Unless the husband or the #1 kiddo are knocking at the bathroom door demanding my attention, or I hear the baby screaming.) I don't get much of that time anymore. To quote Spock, "The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the one." There's no resentment at all, just a wistful longing for that quiet time.

2. Make-up - This goes along with the showering thing. No time to shower, why bother with make-up.  This goes against me though because now when I see people they comment on how tired I look. OK. I know I'm tired, but I don't want to look like the train wreck I feel like! You know? BTW: Does make-up expire? Because I would hate to think that by the time I get around to using it regularly again that I would have to throw it all away and start over.

3. Sleep - Let me start this by saying that whoever coined the phrase "Sleeping like a baby" never had a baby! If they had they would know that babies don't sleep! Not for any significant amount of time, anyway. I LOVE my sleep! I love it more than Dr. Pepper! (That's saying a lot!) I miss my sleep. The most sleep I get is on the weekends when my husband is home and doesn't have to get up early for work the next day. Then he can take the baby at night and I can get some much needed rest! There are times when my boy sleeps for a decent length of time and I appreciate those moments. The challenge is getting him to go to sleep. Just like his big sister, my boy doesn't want to fall asleep because he may miss something important.

5. Eating a hot meal - I truly believe that my son has a mutant ability. His mutation?? The ability to know when I am about to sit down to a hot meal. It's true! Without fail, whenever I sit down with food in front of me he starts crying. Suddenly he needs Mama! And no one else will do! It's either that he's hungry, or needs a diaper change, or decided that his toys aren't fun anymore and he needs another form of entertainment, me. This right here is why God makes babies cute! I have tried to take care of all of his needs before dinner is finished, but that doesn't always work out. On the bright side I am learning to eat with my left hand!

6. Getting out of the house quickly - HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! This needs no real explanation. It is an impossibility! If it's just me leaving the house without the baby, maybe this can happen. But if I'm leaving with one or all members of my family... forget it! Is the diaper bag packed? Is the stroller in the car? Where are the keys? Where is the baby's binky? Dangit! I forgot to grab my wallet. Did you remember the diaper bag? Are you sure you have enough bottles? Help me get the baby in the car seat. Are you sure you have everything? Did you remember the baby? No wonder I never get make-up on. I have too much to prepare just to leave the house!

7. Anything extracurricular - I used to be crafty. Cross-stitch, knitting, blogging... I used to read all the time. Lately, not so much. For example... I have been knitting the same baby bib since the beginning of May. It's not even halfway done. I haven't even looked at my cross-stitch stuff. I don't believe I have finished a book in months. (That may go more to my attention span than not enough time, but still...) And blogging? Well, just look at my history and you will see that this is the first thing I have written in 4 months. I'm hoping that this blog entry will be the springboard I need to start writing again. Time will tell.

So what is the moral of this story? It's not "don't have a baby." I LOVE my boy! I wouldn't trade him for any of these "luxuries." I guess the moral would have to be don't take things for granted. You never know when you won't be able to take them for granted again.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Top 10 Things I'm Looking Forward to After Pregnancy

As I was brushing my teeth last night and gagging for the millionth time, I started to think of what I'm looking forward to after pregnancy. Here's my list:

10. Dying my hair crazy colors again. It's been the same, boring color for 8 months! I need something new and exciting!

9. Not gagging EVERY TIME I brush my teeth. Seriously! The only times I have vomited in this pregnancy have been after brushing my teeth. Well, there was that one time after I had a major coughing fit.

8. Not peeing myself EVERY TIME I laugh hard, cough or sneeze! (I know this takes a while to return to normal and I'm aware that some women never recover this ability. I'm hoping to be an exception to this!)

7. Being able to take a pain killer that works better than PEZ... I mean, Tylenol.

6. My stomach returning to it's rightful place in my abdomen, rather than where it is which is against my rib cage. (No one should should feel their stomach growl in their chest. That's just weird!)

5. No more people rubbing my belly or commenting on how big I look. Neither of those things is very flattering. They do nothing for my self esteem.

4. Walking down my short hallway without losing my breath. Maybe even walking the 10 feet to my bathroom without losing my breath. Heck, I'd settle for getting up off the couch without losing my breath!

3. No longer feeling like that guy in Alien. You know, when the creature is moving around and then suddenly bursts through his abdomen? Yeah... like that!

2. No limitations on my caffeine consumption. Believe it or not, I have significantly cut down on my Dr. Pepper intake. It's sad. I miss my loads of Dr. Pepper!

And the number one thing I am looking forward to...

Finally meeting the boy who has beat me up from the inside, rearranged my entire body, and set me and my family on a whole new path in life! I can't wait to hug you, and kiss your face!! I love you, Jack!

Saturday, March 5, 2011

I've Been Through the Desert on a Horse With No Legs

Ahhh, yes. This is just one of the many songs my brain has butchered the lyrics to over the years. I thought of this last night while listening to 80's on 8 on my XM radio. A Bryan Adams song came on and at this one point I started laughing, looked at JR and said, "Wow! I have no idea what Bryan just said there." That lead to remembering Eddie Murphy's imitation of James Brown on stage and the background guys saying. "What'd James just say? I don't know, just go with it!"

I began to ponder the songs that I've messed up lyrics to and decided to share them here. The most recent one is "Get Back" by Paul McCartney. For years now I have thought that he was singing "Jojo was a man who thought he was a woman, but he really was a man." WRONG! Then there's one of my favorites, "Secret Agent Man" that I thought was "Secret Asian Man." The best though is the title of the blog. America's song "I've Been Through the Desert on a Horse with No Name." I grew up thinking that song said, "I've been through the desert on a horse with no legs." I remember thinking, "Wow! That couldn't have been a very long trip. Why did the horse have no legs? Why was he trying to ride the horse with no legs?" I had a very active imagination!

I'm sure there are many, many other songs that I have messed up over the years. I can't remember them all. But I want to leave you with my all time favorite. Unfortunately I can't take credit for this one. I saw it on a commercial. "Rock the Casbah" by the Clash. In the commercial they sing, "The sheep don't like it! Lock the cash box, lock the cash box!"

Friday, March 4, 2011

What Have We Learned Today?

We're over here by QWERTY to find out what we have learned today. (Cue Veggie Tales music.)

 "And so what we have learned today applies to our lives today, and God has a lot to say in His book. You see we know that God's word is for everyone, and now that our song is done let's take a look."

I'd like to think that as a parent I would have some knowledge and wisdom to pass down to my children. But alas, today I learned that I have some more learning to do. Case in point... Did you know even if a pair of jeans is TWO sizes too small and has two HUGE holes in the knees, that if they are your daughter's favorite, you do NOT throw them away? Sadly, I was not aware of this fact and was strongly reprimanded by my 11 year old regarding my mistake. Apparently this rule also applies to the jean skirt that was THREE sizes too small and a favorite as well. 

So this leads me to wonder how I have made it this far in parenting? I must have missed a class somewhere that talked about this. Or, as Hugh Laurie once said regarding raising his daughter, "Girls are complicated. The instruction manual that comes with girls is 800 pages, with chapters 14, 19, 26 and 32 missing, and it's badly translated, hard to figure out." Couldn't have said it better myself!

Now let's see if QWERTY has a verse for us today. QWERTY?  
"Fathers, do not exasperate your children; instead, bring them up in the training and instruction of the Lord." ~Ephesians 6:4. (I'm sure this applies to Mothers as well!)

Well, that's all the time we have today, kids. Remember, God made you special and He loves you very much! Good-bye!

Thursday, March 3, 2011

What Do You Do With a Drunken Sailor?

Nah... no one here is drunk! Actually, no one here is a sailor either. I'm not entirely sure why this song popped into my head today, but it triggered a funny memory. 

Years ago I was a nanny. (I mean YEARS ago! My baby is now 20!) When AJ was learning walk, he was unsteady, as all new walkers are. He would stagger around the house like a drunken sailor and his dad used to sing this song to him all the time. "What do you do with a drunken munchkin, err-lie in the mornin'?"

I believe we are done with the TOTALLY random part of today's blog. Now back to our regularly scheduled program... whatever that is!

So, what have I done today? Well, not a lot would have to be my answer. I believe I've had 2 cups of coffee, (decaf!) some toaster waffles, put a load of laundry in the washer, (not the dryer yet) watched my sick kid play Lego Harry Potter on the X-Box and started knitting a hat for the baby! I believe that makes the "Drunken Munchkin Song" memory the highlight of the day. Kind of sad in a way. I'm going through these periods of major nesting then periods of major disinterest in what needs to happen in the house. I suppose this is pretty typical for the end of a pregnancy but since it's been 11 years since my last one, I'm not too sure. (Wow! Looking back at what I just wrote... I need to eat something! Quickly! Like a really good burger and mashed potatoes from Boomerangs! DANG IT! Em is sick and I can't go anywhere and Boomerangs doesn't deliver... deep, pathetic sigh...)

I'm excited because the baby will be here by April 5th, actually April 1st if my OB can get the induction on the schedule. I'm nervous because that means in 4 weeks I will have a new life that I am responsible for. And when it's your own, it's WAY different than being a nanny. At least when I had AJ, his parents came home every night and took my responsibility away for the evening.  I suppose I shouldn't worry too much, I mean, Em has turned out well. I know I can do this whole child rearing thing, not extremely well, but well enough, hopefully!

Well, I certainly hope this blog entry is entertaining. I think it's pretty confusing but I just got a Facebook message from a friend that says the following: "I have a brain puzzle magazine that says it's been scientifically proven that a woman's brain shrinks when pregnant, and takes up to 6 months after to return to normal size." Great... I'm totally hosed!

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

It's Not the Destination, It's the Journey, RIGHT??

Stress... the final frontier. These are the voyages of the Mother Ship Laura. It's continuing mission (well, for at least 5 more weeks) is to explore strange, new food cravings, to seek out where I left my keys and my purse and to boldly go... anywhere, because it's getting harder and harder to move around these days! (cue Star Trek music!)

Man, what a day! I had a non-stress test today. No big deal, right? I even left early because an egg and cheese biscuit from McDonalds sounded SO GOOD!! I pulled into the drive-thru and realized I didn't have my wallet. Hmmm... no wallet, no cash, NO credit card, NO DRIVER'S LICENSE! UGH! I quickly pulled out of the drive-thru and pondered my time. Nope, no time to go home and get it. Sigh... no egg and cheese biscuit. (Major disappointment for this pregnant woman!)

I drove on to my appointment. It took 20 minutes, 20 MINUTES I TELL YOU, to find a place to park! Every time I found a spot, someone else took it! REALLY?!?! What part of NON-STRESS TEST did this day miss?!?! I almost cried. I almost lost my witness to Dr. Doofenschmirtz (the little guy from Phineas & Ferb that I have as a mascot in my car.) I called my husband. He heroically decided to go to the house, get my wallet and meet me for lunch after my appointment. He's such a great guy!

All said and done, everything's cool. The baby is extremely active which makes it hard to keep the heart monitor on him. He's getting all of his crazy activity out of the way in utero, right? (Let me have my delusion!)

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Baby Boy, please get your foot off of my cervix!

Hahahaha! Now that I have your attention...

I'm babysitting. Seriously. I really am. OK. The baby is asleep and will be for the whole time I'm here, but still. Call it practice.

All I can think of right now is the boxes of Girl Scout cookies that are in my car. (Are they made with real Girl Scouts?) My favorite are the Tagalongs. God bless the combination of peanut butter and chocolate. Second favorite... Thin mints! But only if they're frozen. My husband and daughter prove their membership in the International House of Plain with their choice of favorite Girl Scout cookie... Trefoils. Really?? The plain butter cookie? I mean, they're good and all, but when you compare them to Tagalongs or Thin Mints... there's just nothing exciting about them. Then again, this is JR and Em we're talking about. Em eats only beige food and JR eats waffles with only butter.

OK. Babysitting, blogging and listening to Michael Buble. Pretty soon I will be done with blogging and will venture into my knitting. I need to finish the sweater that is WAY too big for the baby and then start on the hat I'm making for Em. The last 2 things I've knit were for Jack, so I need to share the creativeness with his big sister. Em loves those beanie hats. I'm going to give it a try. The sweater was my first foray into something other than a rectangle and so far it seems to look like a sweater. Hopefully the hat will look like a hat. More specifically, a hat that Em will want to wear. Am I asking for too much?

Uh oh... the music stopped. Hope the baby stays asleep!

Monday, February 21, 2011

The Frustration of Indecision

I'm not a very decisive person. Well... that's not entirely true. OK. Maybe it is. (See, I can't decide whether or not I'm decisive.) Lately the decisions have centered around food. When you only have 5 weeks left of pregnancy, food is key. My problem is nothing ever sounds good until the moment it sounds good. Prime example... my desperate need for Cinnamon Toast Crunch after seeing a commercial for it.

So why is this so frustrating? Well because planning meals is something I would like to do and can't. And when my husband asks me things like, "Hey. What would you like for dinner?" I can't answer. Poor husband. Along with working full time, putting up with a hormonal, pregnant wife and a pre-pubescent 11 year old daughter, now he has to make all of the food decisions. Sigh... Thankfully I have a WONDERFUL husband and thankfully he still loves me!

Now what will dinner be tonight? Well, he called and asked, I had no ideas, so he decided to bring home some Cheeseburger in Paradise. I think that'll work just fine!