Mmmmmm.... sleep. I love sleep. Really LOVE sleep. More than breathing, I think. Definitely more than eating. Probably not more than Dr. Pepper though.
Sleep is such a wonderful thing but unfortunately very illusive for me. I have lupus which leads to chronic insomnia which leads to chronic fatigue. The trifecta of sleeplessness. Believe me it sucks! One of the best things about my diagnosis though is that I have the doctor's permission to sleep... WHENEVER I CAN! YES! If only it were that simple.
I envy people who can fall asleep easily. My husband is like that. Since he was a child my husband has been an "on the go"person. Run, run, run until his head hit the pillow then... SNORE! My father-in-law loves to tell the story of when my husband was little the family was out at a motorcycle race and they were on the go all day! They went to dinner and as long as the band played, JR was wide awake.But as dad tells it as soon as the band stopped playing, JR fell asleep in his mashed potatoes! My loving husband is still like that! There have been nights in the past where my insomnia was so bad I was practically crying because I wanted to sleep so bad. Then I looked over at the love of my life and... I wanted to hit him with a pillow!! Really hard!
Our daughter is a lot like that too. She's a crazy girl and when she's really run down she hits the pillow and OUT! The only time she has trouble sleeping is when she's afraid she is going to miss out on something she thinks is way cool! Poor baby!
I am pretty sure that my brother-in-law is narcaleptic! The boy can sleep anywhere. He came over one night because he really wanted to talk to his brother. My husband was in the middle of something and asked Matt if he could wait a minute. So Matt sat down on the couch to wait and within 5 minutes he was OUT LIKE A LIGHT! And if that story isn't good enough here's another. Matt was in a band before and one time before a concert, his bandmates found him standing in a corner sound asleep! Gosh I'm jealous!
Why can't I sleep like that? I mean besides the medical conditions that I have. Why can't I just lie down and fall asleep? For some reason when the lights turn off, my brain turns on! Suddenly all I can do is think. I think about what I did today. I think about what I have to do tomorrow. What was the name of that song? Did I turn off the oven? Does the family have clean underwear for tomorrow? Where the heck did I leave that stupid pen?? UGH! It's annoying! The only thing that can turn off my brain is my sleep meds. Thanks be to God for creating scientists who invented sleep meds and for creating doctors who give them to sleep deprived patients!
You would think that with all this extra time I have in my day while I'm not sleeping that I would do something. At times I do. I have been known to clean the bathroom at 2 AM or even do the dishes at 5 AM. But most of the time I just lie in bed and hope for sleep. My reasoning for this is even though I'm not sleeping at least I'm still getting rest, right? HAHAHA!
I think this is why I love sleep so very much! One year my husband and daughter asked me what I wanted for Mother's Day. I told them that I wanted 24 hours of uninterrupted sleep! Well, it wasn't 24 hours, but they went out and stayed out all day and I slept until 4:30 PM. There is something amazing about falling into a warm comfy bed with crisp clean sheets, sliding under the covers and falling into a blissful sleep. It's something I look forward to every night. I can think of only one feeling that is better than that!
So just keep in mind the next time you call me and I don't answer my phone... I'm probably doing the thing I love the most... NO... not drinking a Dr. Pepper! Sleeping! Shhhhhh!!!
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