Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Confessions of a Fangirl

They say the first step is admitting... so here it is. Hello, my name is Laura and I'm a fangirl. Whew! Got that off my chest!

I didn't choose the fangirl life, it chose me. And I do nothing halfway. When a fandom finds me, I dive in head first. I will watch all of the episodes, join the fan club, invest in the collectables and spam everyone I know on Facebook with memes about my favorites. 

I am a Trekkie AND I love Star Wars. I'm a Whovian. I want to go on an adventure with Hobbits, I want to travel the 'Verse in a Firefly, I'm desperate to find a door into Narnia, and I'm still waiting for my mutant ability to manifest.  

It's fun to lose yourself for a bit in a fandom. People think I'm odd (duh!) that I will watch an entire series in a week. (The Walking Dead... thank you, Netflix.) I feel I have achieved a parenting win whenever my phone rings and my son looks at me and says, "Doctor Who?" (Yes, my ringtone is the theme to Doctor Who, and my text tone is the sound of the TARDIS), and when my daughter went to the mall with friends and came home with a Tenth Doctor t-shirt!

Sometimes fangirling has it's benefits. For example... my fangirling over David Tennant has had me looking at other things he has done. Did you know he is an incredible Shakespearean actor? He is!! And that hair... And those brooding eyes... and how he makes you want to hug him when he's sad.... Oops... sorry! I got swept up there for a minute. It's cool. My husband knows I'm crushing on David Tennant and he's OK with it.

I'm a firm believer that reality can stink big time. We all need an escape. For me that can be fighting walkers with Rick and his team, or going to the end of the universe with the Doctor. As long as you remember to feed your kids, a little escape is a good thing.

So remember... Go on an adventure! Live Long and Prosper! May the force be with you! Browncoats unite! Mutant and proud! Don't panic, bring your towel! For Narnia! Allons-y!!

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