Friday, March 4, 2011

What Have We Learned Today?

We're over here by QWERTY to find out what we have learned today. (Cue Veggie Tales music.)

 "And so what we have learned today applies to our lives today, and God has a lot to say in His book. You see we know that God's word is for everyone, and now that our song is done let's take a look."

I'd like to think that as a parent I would have some knowledge and wisdom to pass down to my children. But alas, today I learned that I have some more learning to do. Case in point... Did you know even if a pair of jeans is TWO sizes too small and has two HUGE holes in the knees, that if they are your daughter's favorite, you do NOT throw them away? Sadly, I was not aware of this fact and was strongly reprimanded by my 11 year old regarding my mistake. Apparently this rule also applies to the jean skirt that was THREE sizes too small and a favorite as well. 

So this leads me to wonder how I have made it this far in parenting? I must have missed a class somewhere that talked about this. Or, as Hugh Laurie once said regarding raising his daughter, "Girls are complicated. The instruction manual that comes with girls is 800 pages, with chapters 14, 19, 26 and 32 missing, and it's badly translated, hard to figure out." Couldn't have said it better myself!

Now let's see if QWERTY has a verse for us today. QWERTY?  
"Fathers, do not exasperate your children; instead, bring them up in the training and instruction of the Lord." ~Ephesians 6:4. (I'm sure this applies to Mothers as well!)

Well, that's all the time we have today, kids. Remember, God made you special and He loves you very much! Good-bye!

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